Update of the as build documentation

A current as build<A[supply|existence]> documentation is not important only for operation and maintenance<A[maintenance|servicing]> but mandatory for safety and security systems. The Kaufmann Group engaged Projekt Centrum to update the as build documentation of all tree shopping malls in Croatia.
The surface of all three shopping malls is almost 500.000 m2!
There are following systems in our area of responsibility:
- Heating - Cooling
- Ventilation
- Water and sewage system
- Hydrant system
- Sprinkler
- Electrical installations
- Emergency power supply
- Fire alarm system
- Telephone and structured cabling
- Architecture (Layout)
Not only the drawings will be updated, out technicians will recheck the systems on site. Among others also switching cabinet plans will be updated to provide maintenance stuff again with current documentation.
A current as build<A[supply|existence]> documentation secures the value of the building and we thank for trust and the extensive order.